Making the intangible tangible.

Marketing costs money. Damn a lot of Money. The majority is invested in communication. But brand communication often misses the brand promise. With my expertise, I start where the brand can be experienced by the customer. Full. Not only with the usual marketing touchpoints such as advertising, media work, the Internet or social media. Also in product and service design. When contacting sales and customer service staff. Or in the Showroom. For me, brands do not primarily have to do with a logo or claim, but with the answer to one essential question: "What do we stand for?" What is our promise to customers, the market? With my credo "Making the Intangible Tangible" I try to answer this question in order to free the brand from the corner of advertising / marketing and to use it as to establish one of the most important

instruments of corporate management. This brand or service promise cannot replace a business strategy, it must become part of the business strategy and make this strategy clear, transparent and tangible for all important stakeholders. The clear alignment of an organization with the central promise of performance ensures quality, increases efficiency and motivates employees. This is the only way that this promise can be experienced at all relevant touchpoints along the entire customer journey. When activating the brand touchpoints, I rely on the principle of empathizipation ©, i.e. the synthesis of empathy and anticipation.